I am not sure if it is because I am an only child that I was afraid to trust myself or if it was because I was an only child that I learned to trust myself. Contradictory statements, yet a moment of indecision.
I feel that as I grew up, I always put more emphasis on trusting everyone else around me and I often let my own voice disappear. Blending in was my superpower. But was it? A superpower is something we are really good at that makes us unique and different from anyone. It may have ben a superpower, but it wasn't exactly a positive one to have. And when I think back, I was a loner much of my youth (before 8th grade) and in high school I had friends (great life long friends), yet I still felt like a loner much of the time. Maybe it was the fact that I could sense that I was trusting so many others and not trusting myself, to try so hard to "fit in", and at times I didn't know exactly who I was meant to become.
I met my high school "sweetheart" in grade 8 at the age of 12 (on the school bus) and we dated off an on throughout our years during high school and college and the start of university years later), we even got engaged. Yet that relationship completely ended when I was 24 years old, just months before we were to be married. What I can say from that time in my life is that I had no idea who I was without him in my life. My youth years to my adult years became 100% influenced by our relationship together. I didn't know how to even trust myself without him. How would I become a confident woman who would stand on her own and trust herself? You see, I was in a life of always needing permission from someone else. This was no one's fault but my own...I just didn't trust that I knew the best answers for me. I always looked to others to help me figure it all out.
Fast forward a few decades and I can clearly see the difference between trust of self and the limited amount of trust in self. I am grateful to know the difference now, even though it took some major personal growth.
As a parent & business owner, one of the most valuable things is to have trust in ourselves. We make decisions that influence and affect others. Something I am teaching my own children is how to be really good at trusting themselves and to use their own voice to express their truth, not to be afraid of it.
Yet, as we do these things we become challenged in our own ways. It is as if the Universe (or God or whatever power you believe in), says..."hey I see you, I notice what you are doing, but are you really living your life in this way?" And boy was I ever challenged.
I hit rock bottom a few years ago (you can read more about that time in my life by clicking here) and what I learned was that when I stopped trusting myself I was allowing too many others to influence my choices. I was looking for permission again. I was seeking truth from others and ignoring my own inner guidance. I was afraid to trust myself all while I was trying my best to teach my own children to trust themselves. It was a wild ride - one I wouldn't wish upon anyone, yet I know that I had to go through it in order to really experience the things that come when we stop trusting our own intuition. Glad I am beyond that! It took me down to a really low place and then to try to get back up, it took years as I learned to trust myself again. So if you are there now, have faith that it will change when you begin trusting yourself.
Are you currently in a place when you are looking outside yourself for the answers, for the guidance, for the next step you must take? Or are you really good at getting quiet enough to hear what your gut/intuition is trying to tell you. If you are really good at it all, you know how aligned you feel in your life. But if you are letting others make decisions for you and telling you what is the best action for you to take, you may find yourself spinning in circles and wondering why you feel so out of control or out of alignment. What if I could tell you that TODAY you can change your current circumstances? But only if you decide to get really clear with your relationship with your inner guidance system (intuition/soul).
How do you do this? Well it may sound simple, yet it may still feel like it is hard. When you find yourself at a crossroads (any type of crossroads), a time when a decision must be made, check in with yourself and ask yourself (using your first name)..."Name, if I did know the answer, what would the right choice be?" If you find yourself doubting yourself, as yourself why. The first choice that comes without overthinking it is the right choice. Problem that happens with me (that likely happens with you) is that we often overthink for hours, days, weeks and this could even become years. This overthinking causes undue stress, and often negative thoughts (and don't underestimate the power of negative thoughts, because they infect every part of our lives)...and yet, if we get really good at trusting our intuition early, we can avoid all of this.
Today I made a decision that has been on my mind for years. It was something so small (and personal), but it was something I almost thought about each and everyday for the past few years. It was negatively impacting my life and I was resentful. What does resentment do? Well, like Nelson Mandella said, "resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." Resentment does nothing but destroy ourselves. It is capable to destroy your own mind and body overtime if you will let it.
So I will ask you right now, (if you've read this far). Is there something you've been putting off doing? A decision that you've been wishing you knew the answer to? It could be something so small (but it has become MASSIVE because of the energy you are spending on it) or it could be so big and it will affect so many others that you just have no idea what to do. What if you knew the answer? Without overthinking RIGHT NOW...what would that answer be? That is the truth for you. So now my question is, are you ready to move forward and take action on that ONE thing that you know is the right answer for you? Courage is needed, just like I needed today when I finally made the decision that was right for me. But I will say that once I did it, I felt lighter instantly and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be (because I contemplated for years). We often make decisions that we perceive to be best for everyone else, yet when we are forgetting our own needs and feelings to please everyone else, we really are not pleasing anyone (because the false or fake part of us, hurts people even more, because we are not speaking our truth and this is noticed- people are VERY smart at an intuitive level).
So my hope for you, is that you start or continue practicing your intuitive gift. We all have it, but some choose to ignore the nudges. Begin getting really good at trusting yourself and when you find yourself thinking, "what would (friend/family member) do in this situation?" change it to: "if I knew the best answer for me, what would I decide?"
When we all get really good at trusting ourselves, we will make decisions that are right for us and the bonus is: others will accept us for who we are or they wont...but the real gift that comes is in knowing who is in your corner even when you use your own voice!