By 3:00 I found myself having a headache. I messaged one of my accountability partners at that time to ask her how she was doing on her first day? I also told her that I was feeling a headache (and I don't typically ever suffer from headaches). She reminded me to have water (which I had by my side and realized that I hadn't had enough water). I drank some and had 1 or 2 chewable snacks (dairy free - yummy). And I continued on with my plans to go grocery shopping for healthy choices to have in our home. I intended to make baked fish, but out favourite seafood place is closed Mondays and I had forgotten until I pulled in to shop. When I went to a grocery store to find fish (I already purchased all my produce at one of my favourite whole foods (type of store) called Goodness Me...but I didn't have the fish I wanted. Something had me refrain from buying fish from a regular grocery store (I guess I am spoiled with the choices we have a Johnny's in Barrie, ON.), I just couldn't buy fish from Sobeys.
So chicken it was. I made chicken with mushrooms, a bit of white wine and organic chicken broth to make a very light sauce and some ground black pepper, dijon mustard, green onions and garlic to add flavour. It was so delicious.
I made a side of quinoa and broccoli (seasoned with lemon, pepper, garlic and a bit of olive oil).
Having 3 children, I hear, "eew, that is what we are having for dinner?" and my son even said after that, "what are the kids eating?"
When dinner was served, the kids had a bit of a hard time with it, but they all ate everything on their plates eventually without a whole lot of fuss. Amazing how much they will eat when they stop looking at how it looks, and start to taste it for what it is. Healthy doesn't mean disgusting flavours.
Before bed, I made sure that I was prepared for my early morning ritual. I found the Yoga and Meditation videos I would use, I texted myself both so that it was easy to find them in the morning. I found the song that I would wake up to and I read for about 20 minutes (Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection), before falling asleep.
This morning came and was another success.
I woke up again before my alarm went off. I found that I had many dreams through the night, but I did find that I woke up almost once an hour since 2:00am. Each time I would wake up, I would think it must be time to be up...almost as if I didn't need the 8-9 hours sleep that I normally do. But I managed to always get back to sleep and woke up at 6:15 am again, and made it down to my yoga/meditation room in the dark.
My alarm this morning was set to the song by Avicii called, Wake me up. And although I woke before this song came on, I listened to it before I began my 20 minutes of yoga.
My 20 minutes of yoga today was for strengthening my back.
My 20 minutes of meditation was so relaxing...beautiful sounds of ocean waves continuously. I could have stayed in that state for much longer than the time it was.
I continued to journal. 2 paragraphs of self journalling, and 3.5 pages again of soul journalling. My soul sure is smart. (if you are just reading this for the first time, feel free to go back to yesterday's blog entry to find out more details about soul journalling)
When the kids woke up, I already had my Mint Chocolate shake, my 2 Product B, my 3 Brain Boost, and my 1 accelerator. I turned on today's song of the day, "Wake me Up" on our apple TV and I added it to a new playlist called MORNINGS, so now we have two songs in that playlist (video playlist), the first song from yesterday (Coldplay, Adventure of a Lifetime) is not only our new favourite song and video, but it was one that had the 4 of us breaking out in dance at 8:00 this morning! The kids even said, we can't wait to see what song will be added tomorrow!
Here I am, at 9:32am, feeling so grounded, balanced and inspired (light).
I am grateful that I have given myself this beautiful gift of time and health. That hour in the morning (that I once created excuses about) has become my favourite time of day for myself!
I look forward to hearing from you. If these blog entries have inspired you to create new healthy habits, I look forward to cheering you on.
Ironically someone I care about so much, a family member - reached out and told me yesterday in a text that my post from yesterday inspired her to recommit to herself. As I was typing this entry today, I noticed a text from her about her "day 2" also!
Together we can encourage others to feel better too. Keeping it to ourself doesn't multiply the inspiration...let's share this and help others create change too!