Life-long LearnerI remember at the age of 24 as I decided to go back to school to become a teacher that I recall saying "become a professional student",
when I was asked what would you like to do for a living? I would always laugh and say, too bad education is so expensive - but if I could find a way to be a professional student, I will become exactly that. And well, I would have to say that considering that before that point - I disliked learning if forced to, I hadn't read a full book cover to cover (in my life before the age of 24) and I remember realizing that my NEW FOUND joy was in learning and reading - because I was learning and reading things I wanted to. Fiction never made me "escape", it took far too much work for me to get into a book that was fictional. I remember going through a phase of reading some "true crime" as it made me curious to understand why people would possibly do the things they did...and even after reading the true crime books, I was left still not understanding why a criminal would do the terrible things they do. Only 6 short years ago as I fell into a business (I was closed to the business at first), but this business; although had a bad reputation, I started recognizing that this business called network marketing actually was THE business I was looking for - because I could become the PROFESSIONAL STUDENT and this business would allow me the TIME and the VEHICLE (income source) to get me to enjoy becoming a life-long learner. Interestingly the things I love to learn about most are: Personal Growth and Development By learning and being a professional student in this profession, not only will I help others in so many ways, I will become the best version of myself while I am at it. Below I am giving you some of the lists of books, courses, audio or video resources that have helped me. I will continue to update this list as I go. The top of the list is the most recent and you may see themes as you see my lists. With all areas of growth we tend to find the things we deserve to have influence us at particular times.