When I was a teacher, however...I knew that I loved being with the children, but it was the politics that had me concerned. I always laced all my lessons (and also focused dedicated time each day) on self-esteem, confidence, belief in self and how we could contribute to others locally and around the world. I still remember how much that specific class (when I started having political stuff affect us), was so heartfelt, always helping others, always thinking of more ways to be even better than yesterday. Apparently some of the most difficult kids in the school were in my class that year, and they were the sweetest kids ever, never having behaviour issues when I taught them. They were all so joyful. One child did say, the first day of class as we were all introducing one another, “I am a bad kid”. I got down to his level and said, I doubt that you are, I believe that you are a very kind and a very nice kid. And I never saw a bad kid once in him. I still believe I helped them find belief in themselves to feel more joyous. However, I was a new teacher and didn't have children of my own yet, my belief in myself was getting stronger, but I didn’t know how to stand up and use my voice when I was forced to. I had a bully teacher who was in the classroom beside me. She was a union rep and she was always questioning me about my focus and my lessons. How did what I was teaching about self-respect, self-belief and self-love have anything to do with the Ontario curriculum? I was extremely sad that she was even questioning my reasons for this. Sadly that was the same year I experienced my first miscarriage, I felt so stressed from the constant judgement and I decided that teaching in the public education system was NOT where I belonged. If I can't teach about the most important parts (in my opinion) for our children to learn and grow and be happy with themselves as they grow up...than I didn't think "teaching" was for me after all.
As I began to build my own network marketing business I quickly found out, this was where I belonged, because without the politics, I was able to nurture, support and guide others through self growth, reflection, self-love, self-respect and belief in self (among others). And although I was now teaching/mentoring adults, this was spilling over into their lives with their precious children and youth. I finally felt that I was doing my part again, I was contributing to something I believe wholeheartedly in. This began to overflow into my own family life, I gained the confidence to finally be myself, not doing things the way 'politics' asked me to be. My children benefited and they still do. They are growing up in an environment now that is more positive, that nurtures self-development and we are a family that believes we are students for life. Always learning, always growing, always contributing to others.
I will not lie and say that business life is perfect, without its share of politics, because it isn’t true. However, for me...I don’t feel as confined within set regulations and provincial objectives. I no longer have to question my reasons, because I know 100% that anything I do, anything that I share/teach is because I have decided that I am aligned with it and I practice what I preach, not because I am told I must teach it or that I must do things a certain way. In business, it is something I began to fall into...that feeling of someone being in control over my needs/beliefs etc...but after some reflection, some self-discovery and a whole lot of self-growth again...I remembered who I am and who I am not. And that self-discovery helped me to have a pivot once again, so that I can continue to soar and help others do the same. Some of you know about my vision for Moral Compass Kids, I haven't given up on Moral Compass Kids, this is something that hasn’t left my mind since it first appeared over 2 years ago now. I think about it daily, I see it as reality.
I know that at times when we go through challenges, we will either learn and grow from them or repeat them to get the lesson. The tough lessons for me, forced me to make a decision and pivot…and that pivot back in 2005, took me until 2010 to really take action to have the courage to step away from my title as “teacher” and fully embrace life as an entrepreneur…but it was in 2015 when I was faced with another pivot and it has taken me until 2018 to REALLY understand the power I’ve gained from this pivot in all areas of my life. My voice is mine and I am so grateful that I am able to help others find their voice also – no matter how old or how young they are.
We can all be empowered, if we decide to embrace the power we truly have inside us. When we believe it, we will see it and when we share it - everything changes for the better. Empowerment isn’t anything about being better than anyone else, it isn’t even about ego...it is about our gifts inside that are hiding for most of us...just begging to be seen, to be heard, to be shared with the world!
I believe you have EVERYTHING inside you, to make a massive impact! Do you?