**UPDATE: This story of my Isagenix journey (below) was written in 2014 and then near the end of 2015 I did what many "success-seekers" do, I hit what looked like a BIG and UGLY WALL! See the link here to see my "blip" in a journey that up to that point had been going so well - what I didn't recognize was that the patterns and habits I was forming for myself, became patterns of survival. We all know what happens when we stay in survival mode for too long - eventually we can't keep up.
I believe that as we grow into the person we know that we deserve to become we face many challenges. Our habits (sub-conscious mind) want to keep us where we are/were. This creates inner conflict. My path to Complete Wellness is a deeper journey about that day when I hit that wall...and to people who don't understand, it may have seemed ODD or ridiculous. But through my life I've learned how to be a people pleaser and it got me this far, now I recognize that I can still be a GREAT person even if I take my masks off.
I believe that as we grow into the person we know that we deserve to become we face many challenges. Our habits (sub-conscious mind) want to keep us where we are/were. This creates inner conflict. My path to Complete Wellness is a deeper journey about that day when I hit that wall...and to people who don't understand, it may have seemed ODD or ridiculous. But through my life I've learned how to be a people pleaser and it got me this far, now I recognize that I can still be a GREAT person even if I take my masks off.
Written in 2014:
Every part of this journey is worth it…

….yes, even the 80-90% failure rate!
When I started Isagenix, I was 100% open to the products as I was nursing my son (Jack) who was 6 months old. I knew there was a potential business side, but I wasn't very open at first (partly because I had tried network marketing through other companies several times and I wasn't convinced that network marketing was for me)
Little did I know that when I started to have a physical transformation, an emotional transformation and my energy was so incredible that this business would take on a life of its own. The beginning for me was "ignorance on fire". I had no idea what to do, had no knowledge about the products or business but I did know that if I felt as great as I did, that was all I needed to relay to others. People truly do put a lot of weight into our attitude and energy, often they don't need to know many facts but by seeing us as the example, others get curious and want to see for themselves what it will do for them.
So with some partnering with Pam and Kevin, Mike and Robin & Chantal & Dave I was in business. I wanted to learn and grow and I was having trouble sleeping because I was so excited. They helped me to see the potential everyone has and they guided me in the right direction by setting me up with some amazing training, support etc..
My husband was very negative to my idea to build an Isagenix business not just at the beginning - but for a solid 18 months. He didn't want to be around if I talked about Isagenix, he didn't want to hear what I was so excited about and he would NEVER show his face at an event whether it was in our home our outside our home. He did try once by going to Mike and Robin's for a short business training/strategy session with a few other couples that were friends of ours and the entire time he sat with arms crossed - he was very skeptical and closed. Mike still refers to it as "Camatized" - this is very common for many of our spouses…they are often so programmed to see work as we know it to be, get a job and go to work 40 hours. He even said at one point, "I met you as a teacher - you are a teacher, you WILL (when you get a contract) have a great salary, great benefits and will get great time off for our family" He was not open to what I was doing until I could show him this was REAL. He saw me taking consistent action, and NEVER GIVING UP! After an incredible event one evening, I came home and he was so down and I was so excited, I shared one statement I heard that day, "we are the sum of the 5 people we spend the most time with…and you are one of the 5 people I am spending the most time with. That statement alone was not meant as a threat but it was true. Without another word, I know that he looked inside himself to create his own meaning. It was a turning point for us. I was determined to be successful with or without his blessing but I wasn't going to stop moving forward - I had 100% belief in the journey and our potential. I was the example, never tried to convince him, just always consistent in being the example. He is my biggest supporter today and for that I am so grateful!
What is your definition of HARD?
Never did I say, this is too hard, I don't think I can do it. I was the opposite, I knew that it was going to be challenging at times - failing 90% of the time is not easy, but I also knew that struggling as a teacher, being woken up at 6 to go to a class I didn't know the students or school staff and never knowing how many days I would get paid that week was HARD, politics in the education system and not having much say, was HARD. Being told how much I was worth was HARD, never getting recognized for my hard work, was HARD, competing with over 500 people that applied to the same job and never getting an interview was HARD, getting an interview and never getting called back was HARD - always feeling like, should it be this HARD to make a living? Sending my children to daycare (even though she was a wonderful woman) was HARD. And what lifestyle will we give our kids by having multiple jobs to live like we want to? Never being home to spend quality time with the most important people in our life - our children - that would be HARD!
Fast forward to today, it has been 5.5 years of the best years of my life. Even with the disappointment from friends, family and acquaintances (my own husband) - there is so much judgement, so much negativity, so many people that I care so much about that even talk behind my back and I hear it from others. There are a lot of people who never join us (and that is perfectly ok), those that do, many will quit, even those who want to build a business, many disengage, disconnect and often find excuses about why this business is not for them. I'm just like everyone in this business…we all fail 80-90% of the time-but where else can you build a business and fail 90% of time but still be highly successful? I was DETERMINED to help those who wanted to see changes and I was determined to NEVER QUIT! I'm so glad that I've surrounded myself with those who believed in me, those who were showing me that anything is possible and for being there to cheer me on.
My hope for you is that you always remember WHY you linked arms with Isagenix and our team. My hope is that even when you feel beaten down that you will not allow your emotions to take over and "derail" you from this amazing and very rewarding journey. This is a journey of personal growth as much as it is a journey of helping others. We are NOT selling shakes, we are positively impacting lives. Keep in mind that some of the people getting started with you - may not have a single positive person in their life (other than you). We may just be that person - the only person that believes in them….and if we are not supporting them through the challenges, they may be like 90% - they give up.
Some tips I was told early on this journey:
We have the most amazing ability to impact the lives of families in such a way that dreams are not only being dreamed, but they are coming true! I am seeing my hard work and my commitment that has helped me reach new levels and the power of leveraging or multiplying my efforts with others, because not only has that hard work changed my life and the life of my family, it is changing the lives of those I care about, those YOU care about - that is such a reward to me…knowing that collectively we can impact so many others in such a great way!
If you are ready to take your life in the direction that you deserve, the direction of your dreams, living life on your terms…then I highly recommend you listen to this call. As a leader, I will never tell you or others what to do, but I do share with you exactly what I've done and if you wish to accept the recommendation chances are you will be VERY successful along your own journey!
If you would like to know how mindset and commitment is a big part of this and what I personally did to overcome the challenges while keeping this simple, click here for more info
When I started Isagenix, I was 100% open to the products as I was nursing my son (Jack) who was 6 months old. I knew there was a potential business side, but I wasn't very open at first (partly because I had tried network marketing through other companies several times and I wasn't convinced that network marketing was for me)
Little did I know that when I started to have a physical transformation, an emotional transformation and my energy was so incredible that this business would take on a life of its own. The beginning for me was "ignorance on fire". I had no idea what to do, had no knowledge about the products or business but I did know that if I felt as great as I did, that was all I needed to relay to others. People truly do put a lot of weight into our attitude and energy, often they don't need to know many facts but by seeing us as the example, others get curious and want to see for themselves what it will do for them.
So with some partnering with Pam and Kevin, Mike and Robin & Chantal & Dave I was in business. I wanted to learn and grow and I was having trouble sleeping because I was so excited. They helped me to see the potential everyone has and they guided me in the right direction by setting me up with some amazing training, support etc..
My husband was very negative to my idea to build an Isagenix business not just at the beginning - but for a solid 18 months. He didn't want to be around if I talked about Isagenix, he didn't want to hear what I was so excited about and he would NEVER show his face at an event whether it was in our home our outside our home. He did try once by going to Mike and Robin's for a short business training/strategy session with a few other couples that were friends of ours and the entire time he sat with arms crossed - he was very skeptical and closed. Mike still refers to it as "Camatized" - this is very common for many of our spouses…they are often so programmed to see work as we know it to be, get a job and go to work 40 hours. He even said at one point, "I met you as a teacher - you are a teacher, you WILL (when you get a contract) have a great salary, great benefits and will get great time off for our family" He was not open to what I was doing until I could show him this was REAL. He saw me taking consistent action, and NEVER GIVING UP! After an incredible event one evening, I came home and he was so down and I was so excited, I shared one statement I heard that day, "we are the sum of the 5 people we spend the most time with…and you are one of the 5 people I am spending the most time with. That statement alone was not meant as a threat but it was true. Without another word, I know that he looked inside himself to create his own meaning. It was a turning point for us. I was determined to be successful with or without his blessing but I wasn't going to stop moving forward - I had 100% belief in the journey and our potential. I was the example, never tried to convince him, just always consistent in being the example. He is my biggest supporter today and for that I am so grateful!
What is your definition of HARD?
Never did I say, this is too hard, I don't think I can do it. I was the opposite, I knew that it was going to be challenging at times - failing 90% of the time is not easy, but I also knew that struggling as a teacher, being woken up at 6 to go to a class I didn't know the students or school staff and never knowing how many days I would get paid that week was HARD, politics in the education system and not having much say, was HARD. Being told how much I was worth was HARD, never getting recognized for my hard work, was HARD, competing with over 500 people that applied to the same job and never getting an interview was HARD, getting an interview and never getting called back was HARD - always feeling like, should it be this HARD to make a living? Sending my children to daycare (even though she was a wonderful woman) was HARD. And what lifestyle will we give our kids by having multiple jobs to live like we want to? Never being home to spend quality time with the most important people in our life - our children - that would be HARD!
Fast forward to today, it has been 5.5 years of the best years of my life. Even with the disappointment from friends, family and acquaintances (my own husband) - there is so much judgement, so much negativity, so many people that I care so much about that even talk behind my back and I hear it from others. There are a lot of people who never join us (and that is perfectly ok), those that do, many will quit, even those who want to build a business, many disengage, disconnect and often find excuses about why this business is not for them. I'm just like everyone in this business…we all fail 80-90% of the time-but where else can you build a business and fail 90% of time but still be highly successful? I was DETERMINED to help those who wanted to see changes and I was determined to NEVER QUIT! I'm so glad that I've surrounded myself with those who believed in me, those who were showing me that anything is possible and for being there to cheer me on.
My hope for you is that you always remember WHY you linked arms with Isagenix and our team. My hope is that even when you feel beaten down that you will not allow your emotions to take over and "derail" you from this amazing and very rewarding journey. This is a journey of personal growth as much as it is a journey of helping others. We are NOT selling shakes, we are positively impacting lives. Keep in mind that some of the people getting started with you - may not have a single positive person in their life (other than you). We may just be that person - the only person that believes in them….and if we are not supporting them through the challenges, they may be like 90% - they give up.
Some tips I was told early on this journey:
- The only way to fail is to quit - Jimmy Smith
- People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care - put others needs before our own
- There is no room for the 3 Js, (Justification, Judgement and Jealousy) - Susan Sly
- Keep the high highs and low lows in check. The more consistent we remain through all the excitement and the discouraging times, the less likely it is that we will give up. Imagine going through a moment of such excitement and then going to a place where 5 people give you negative feedback (1 returned pack, someone who wishes not to continue, another person that questions why you are doing what you are, one person you care about says -this business will never work, and a family member that says something negative about your products or prices etc…) This all in one day or even one week can seriously derail someone. The more we stay in check with our emotional state…the easier this will be. - Jeffery Combs (when I hired him as my first business coach in 2011)
- Everyone is a leader, no matter where we are in our journey…even if you are just starting out, you are capable of positively or negatively impacting many lives. Leaders also always "flash first". If we don't show the way, share our vision of where we are going, how can we expect others to join us? PK Smith
We have the most amazing ability to impact the lives of families in such a way that dreams are not only being dreamed, but they are coming true! I am seeing my hard work and my commitment that has helped me reach new levels and the power of leveraging or multiplying my efforts with others, because not only has that hard work changed my life and the life of my family, it is changing the lives of those I care about, those YOU care about - that is such a reward to me…knowing that collectively we can impact so many others in such a great way!
If you are ready to take your life in the direction that you deserve, the direction of your dreams, living life on your terms…then I highly recommend you listen to this call. As a leader, I will never tell you or others what to do, but I do share with you exactly what I've done and if you wish to accept the recommendation chances are you will be VERY successful along your own journey!
If you would like to know how mindset and commitment is a big part of this and what I personally did to overcome the challenges while keeping this simple, click here for more info
Remember that UPDATE I mentioned above? Maybe you wanted to read the journey I wrote about in 2014 first...and possibly you see this journey above and you WISH you could reach the goals you have like I did. Please remember we are all different, we all have our own mind, our own habits, our own thoughts and feelings. We also come here with a different skill set and commitments outside our business. Please don't compare my US dollar results with your own and if you do hit a WALL like I've done, it may not be time to quit (like you think it is), it might be time to switch gears and gain insight on why YOU do the things you do - because YOU and only YOU can create your future. Once we really take 100% responsibility for ourselves, only then we will see our TRUE potential in life. Cheers!
*Income Disclosure: Any mention of income in this blog is not a guarantee or projection of actual income that an Associate will earn through his or her participation in the Isagenix Compensation Plan. Any guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success with the Isagenix Compensation Plan results from successful sales efforts and business development on the part of the Associate.
*Income Disclosure: Any mention of income in this blog is not a guarantee or projection of actual income that an Associate will earn through his or her participation in the Isagenix Compensation Plan. Any guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success with the Isagenix Compensation Plan results from successful sales efforts and business development on the part of the Associate.