It is all starting to make sense now - the journey of healing continues
(see links about Adrenal fatigue below if you are feeling "off")
(see links about Adrenal fatigue below if you are feeling "off")

November 24/15 (just over a month since I started this journey of self-awareness)
This picture was taken a few days ago. I sent it to a few close friends that evening letting them know that I was going out with my husband and that I was feeling a "spark" coming back. I was feeling alive and was grateful that I was taking the time to "chill and regroup". When I returned home I even shared this photo on social media. I was amazed that I could go out with friends and be 100% present and not worried about what others were thinking about me. Have you ever been with people who you enjoy being with, yet you can't get your mind out of thinking, "this is awkward, people are judging me, I am uncomfortable -even though I should be fine"? I was feeling that every time I was out with people (whether with family, friends or in business situations)...I became very insecure with who I was. But things are shifting and I am enjoying this change.
Some people who know me well, may not know this about me and some who do are asking what it is that I am doing to have this positive shift (overall sense of peace). The past month has been one of letting go of the guilt I carried around, like a bag of bricks. A month where I let my inner compass (intuition) be my guide. I took the pressure off myself to "do it all". I respected my time and practiced saying no, much more often than I ever have before. I refrained from being "plugged in" to social media and I unsubscribed and unfollowed certain groups and leaders whom I felt were not the best leaders for me to follow at this time. I took the time to grow the space between my ears more than I have in the past 12 months. I use books, online courses and audio/video sessions to strengthen my largest asset and gift, the gift of being me -(or being you) - yes you deserve to experience this gift also! Here is a link to the resources I've found useful so far.
How often do we allow ourselves the time required to figure it all out? Not often. We are in a society where "more is recognized". More work, more money, more stuff, more scheduled, more expectations, more contribution, more attention, more ego, more obligations, more, more, more.
What if the truth really is, less is more? I am beginning to see it that way, in certain areas of my own life. The less I push myself, the more I accomplish. The less I do things out of obligation, the more passion I live into. The less I force myself to "be a certain way", the more I become my true, authentic self. The less I stress, the more healthy I become. The less I expect, the more I experience. The less I plug-in, the more I create. The less I judge myself, the more I love and I forgive. The less I tune out the "noise", the more I hear the true meaning of my life in the silence. The less I look externally for answers, the more answers that come naturally, from within. The less I become scattered in multiple directions, the more I focus on what is important. The less I seek truth about others, the more I find my own truth.
My test results from my Naturopathic Doctor
Yesterday, I had my follow up appointment with my naturopath. Dr. Jones is fantastic, like an angel to me in many ways. She has put me through a series of tests. A blood test, just over a month ago, which found a thyroid issue (something I've dealt with and was medicated for in the past)...but what I love about the approach that a Naturopathic Doctor takes is that it isn't simply that the thyroid stops working properly...something causes it not to function well. Therefore, she did another test (which many people would opt out of simply due to the expense of it)...for me - even if it was the last $300 in my bank account, it would have been money well spent to feel better than I was...because living this way is not really is surviving.
So as I begin to understand my current, physical state, everything has begun to make so much sense. She told me that based on my most recent test results (a female panel and cortisol saliva test), that I am in Adrenal Exhaustion. Ok, what does that mean? Well, let me just say that if you experience STRANGE and very CRAZY highs and lows, feelings of rage, anger, frustration, overwhelm, sadness. If you are otherwise social and enjoy being around people and you all of a sudden want NOTHING to do with people. If you have little to zero sex drive, you have no motivation to do anything. If you are cold, even when it is warm, you are forgetful, foggy in the brain and simply tired most of the may have Adrenal issues also. Now, don't take my word for it...this isn't something I am trying to tell people to assume...BUT please know that most medical doctors (from my understanding) will not test for this. Most don't even see it as a clinical diagnosis. I am grateful that I invested the money to see a naturopath because I know more than anyone, that what I am going through IS NOT NORMAL for me, and I do not want to continue living life this way...I also wouldn't want to continue ignoring the signs and symptoms for it to get worse (as it appears could happen if left untreated).
I stumbled upon this information when I got home from my appointment and I will have to say that even though it is a lot of info, I could relate to almost all of it. If you are personally going through something you cannot seem to explain, maybe it is time to find out for yourself if you are requiring support for your adrenals. Adrenal Exhaustion article.
Why some people experience Adrenal Issues and others don't?
Obviously I am no doctor, but today we can find so much information online and in books. The article above explains a lot to answer this question, and in his book, On Hope and Healing, Dr Neil Nathan expresses that the single most overlooked essential element is the functioning of the adrenal glands. And I know myself that after I had my 3rd baby in October of 2011, I never felt normal. I even thought I had postpartum depression. When I went to my medical doctor at that time I was a mess (6 months and 12 months after having my last baby). I physically asked for blood tests or whatever she could do to help me. She asked me a few questions and concluded that she didn't have any reason to assume that I was depressed and she sent me on my way. I knew inside myself, I wasn't looking to be put on drugs, but I felt lost not knowing where to turn. And since that day, my symptoms continued to get worse and ironically since the day I gave birth to my 3rd baby I've consistently continued to gain weight rather than lose it, but as an educated adult, I expected to "snap" out of it, to figure it PUSH through and think "happy thoughts", and so I continued to live my life in a stressful, overcommitted and rushed state. It became my new normal and I assumed it came with the territory of being a mother of 3 in my mid to late 30s, in business for myself and married to a shift-working husband. YUP, I assumed I could somehow "KEEP UP" and by some miracle become optimal again, someday.
Let me just tell you (as if you don't already know this), someday doesn't come unless YOU make a decision to make someday happen, today.
The lesson I can share today
As much as I know now what I must do (thankfully I have an explanation), I am the only one responsible to get myself better. I have hired professionals to help me in my journey to optimal health and wellness, but I am the only one who can "do the push-ups". I also know that it will not happen overnight, it will take time and commitment. As I continue to learn about stress and how it is that my body copes or doesn't cope with certain stressors, I will be more diligent to do things as I decide to, never again because someone expects me to. The word obligation is thrown around so much these days and I've associated obligation with being held down and forced. I speak about living free, creating freedom of choice and yet I was living in a state of obligation - completely defeating the purpose of what I intend to teach others. If I am not living congruent with my own messages, I am simply living a lie - and to be completely honest with you...I believe that for the majority of the past 6 years, a part of me has been so desperate to "keep up" and show others what is possible, that I burned myself out and that only shows people what NOT to do. My hope is that through my own experiences, that I can help even one person create a journey to their own freedom in a way that doesn't burn them out. I believe it didn't have to be this way...but I trusted that if I was "serious" about my journey, that living in a state of hot mess would be ok. To be completely honest, some people may be able to get into this mode for a while and assuming their adrenal glands are keeping up with the tasks, they can relax and regroup just as easily. It is when our adrenals are so over-taxed that the problems (long term) occur. If any of this is resonating with you, please seek the support that you deserve.
Today we are bombarded with to do lists longer than we could possibly accomplish in a month most times. Many of us say yes, so much, that we have nothing left and we also don't want to "let others down". Ironically by setting boundaries for ourselves we are helping others do the same. Take care of yourself, for you are the only YOU. Who is counting on you to be your optimal self? Who is going to suffer if you are not well? Burn out is real and can be very dangerous if you are not really careful. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Please understand, I don't share this with you for pity. It may seem strange that I share as much as I do, but I know with complete certainty, that many people I care about and love, could be suffering in silence. If you read the link I shared above (and I will share here again) may just see yourself in the publication, don't ignore the signs because it can get far worse than it is today.
This picture was taken a few days ago. I sent it to a few close friends that evening letting them know that I was going out with my husband and that I was feeling a "spark" coming back. I was feeling alive and was grateful that I was taking the time to "chill and regroup". When I returned home I even shared this photo on social media. I was amazed that I could go out with friends and be 100% present and not worried about what others were thinking about me. Have you ever been with people who you enjoy being with, yet you can't get your mind out of thinking, "this is awkward, people are judging me, I am uncomfortable -even though I should be fine"? I was feeling that every time I was out with people (whether with family, friends or in business situations)...I became very insecure with who I was. But things are shifting and I am enjoying this change.
Some people who know me well, may not know this about me and some who do are asking what it is that I am doing to have this positive shift (overall sense of peace). The past month has been one of letting go of the guilt I carried around, like a bag of bricks. A month where I let my inner compass (intuition) be my guide. I took the pressure off myself to "do it all". I respected my time and practiced saying no, much more often than I ever have before. I refrained from being "plugged in" to social media and I unsubscribed and unfollowed certain groups and leaders whom I felt were not the best leaders for me to follow at this time. I took the time to grow the space between my ears more than I have in the past 12 months. I use books, online courses and audio/video sessions to strengthen my largest asset and gift, the gift of being me -(or being you) - yes you deserve to experience this gift also! Here is a link to the resources I've found useful so far.
How often do we allow ourselves the time required to figure it all out? Not often. We are in a society where "more is recognized". More work, more money, more stuff, more scheduled, more expectations, more contribution, more attention, more ego, more obligations, more, more, more.
What if the truth really is, less is more? I am beginning to see it that way, in certain areas of my own life. The less I push myself, the more I accomplish. The less I do things out of obligation, the more passion I live into. The less I force myself to "be a certain way", the more I become my true, authentic self. The less I stress, the more healthy I become. The less I expect, the more I experience. The less I plug-in, the more I create. The less I judge myself, the more I love and I forgive. The less I tune out the "noise", the more I hear the true meaning of my life in the silence. The less I look externally for answers, the more answers that come naturally, from within. The less I become scattered in multiple directions, the more I focus on what is important. The less I seek truth about others, the more I find my own truth.
My test results from my Naturopathic Doctor
Yesterday, I had my follow up appointment with my naturopath. Dr. Jones is fantastic, like an angel to me in many ways. She has put me through a series of tests. A blood test, just over a month ago, which found a thyroid issue (something I've dealt with and was medicated for in the past)...but what I love about the approach that a Naturopathic Doctor takes is that it isn't simply that the thyroid stops working properly...something causes it not to function well. Therefore, she did another test (which many people would opt out of simply due to the expense of it)...for me - even if it was the last $300 in my bank account, it would have been money well spent to feel better than I was...because living this way is not really is surviving.
So as I begin to understand my current, physical state, everything has begun to make so much sense. She told me that based on my most recent test results (a female panel and cortisol saliva test), that I am in Adrenal Exhaustion. Ok, what does that mean? Well, let me just say that if you experience STRANGE and very CRAZY highs and lows, feelings of rage, anger, frustration, overwhelm, sadness. If you are otherwise social and enjoy being around people and you all of a sudden want NOTHING to do with people. If you have little to zero sex drive, you have no motivation to do anything. If you are cold, even when it is warm, you are forgetful, foggy in the brain and simply tired most of the may have Adrenal issues also. Now, don't take my word for it...this isn't something I am trying to tell people to assume...BUT please know that most medical doctors (from my understanding) will not test for this. Most don't even see it as a clinical diagnosis. I am grateful that I invested the money to see a naturopath because I know more than anyone, that what I am going through IS NOT NORMAL for me, and I do not want to continue living life this way...I also wouldn't want to continue ignoring the signs and symptoms for it to get worse (as it appears could happen if left untreated).
I stumbled upon this information when I got home from my appointment and I will have to say that even though it is a lot of info, I could relate to almost all of it. If you are personally going through something you cannot seem to explain, maybe it is time to find out for yourself if you are requiring support for your adrenals. Adrenal Exhaustion article.
Why some people experience Adrenal Issues and others don't?
Obviously I am no doctor, but today we can find so much information online and in books. The article above explains a lot to answer this question, and in his book, On Hope and Healing, Dr Neil Nathan expresses that the single most overlooked essential element is the functioning of the adrenal glands. And I know myself that after I had my 3rd baby in October of 2011, I never felt normal. I even thought I had postpartum depression. When I went to my medical doctor at that time I was a mess (6 months and 12 months after having my last baby). I physically asked for blood tests or whatever she could do to help me. She asked me a few questions and concluded that she didn't have any reason to assume that I was depressed and she sent me on my way. I knew inside myself, I wasn't looking to be put on drugs, but I felt lost not knowing where to turn. And since that day, my symptoms continued to get worse and ironically since the day I gave birth to my 3rd baby I've consistently continued to gain weight rather than lose it, but as an educated adult, I expected to "snap" out of it, to figure it PUSH through and think "happy thoughts", and so I continued to live my life in a stressful, overcommitted and rushed state. It became my new normal and I assumed it came with the territory of being a mother of 3 in my mid to late 30s, in business for myself and married to a shift-working husband. YUP, I assumed I could somehow "KEEP UP" and by some miracle become optimal again, someday.
Let me just tell you (as if you don't already know this), someday doesn't come unless YOU make a decision to make someday happen, today.
The lesson I can share today
As much as I know now what I must do (thankfully I have an explanation), I am the only one responsible to get myself better. I have hired professionals to help me in my journey to optimal health and wellness, but I am the only one who can "do the push-ups". I also know that it will not happen overnight, it will take time and commitment. As I continue to learn about stress and how it is that my body copes or doesn't cope with certain stressors, I will be more diligent to do things as I decide to, never again because someone expects me to. The word obligation is thrown around so much these days and I've associated obligation with being held down and forced. I speak about living free, creating freedom of choice and yet I was living in a state of obligation - completely defeating the purpose of what I intend to teach others. If I am not living congruent with my own messages, I am simply living a lie - and to be completely honest with you...I believe that for the majority of the past 6 years, a part of me has been so desperate to "keep up" and show others what is possible, that I burned myself out and that only shows people what NOT to do. My hope is that through my own experiences, that I can help even one person create a journey to their own freedom in a way that doesn't burn them out. I believe it didn't have to be this way...but I trusted that if I was "serious" about my journey, that living in a state of hot mess would be ok. To be completely honest, some people may be able to get into this mode for a while and assuming their adrenal glands are keeping up with the tasks, they can relax and regroup just as easily. It is when our adrenals are so over-taxed that the problems (long term) occur. If any of this is resonating with you, please seek the support that you deserve.
Today we are bombarded with to do lists longer than we could possibly accomplish in a month most times. Many of us say yes, so much, that we have nothing left and we also don't want to "let others down". Ironically by setting boundaries for ourselves we are helping others do the same. Take care of yourself, for you are the only YOU. Who is counting on you to be your optimal self? Who is going to suffer if you are not well? Burn out is real and can be very dangerous if you are not really careful. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Please understand, I don't share this with you for pity. It may seem strange that I share as much as I do, but I know with complete certainty, that many people I care about and love, could be suffering in silence. If you read the link I shared above (and I will share here again) may just see yourself in the publication, don't ignore the signs because it can get far worse than it is today.