Questions to ponder
I created a 7 day challenge last week. This challenge was focused on giving valuable resources (some that have helped shaped my life and have helped me when I was seeking growth and awareness), to people who were willing to get uncomfortable and participate by answering thought provoking questions. Below I will share the questions that I created each day as well as the incredible responses that were shared. My hope is that you will ask yourself great questions like this as you move forward to another year of possibility. We create our days, they don't create us. We all have choices, it isn't a matter of chance. We have the power to change our life if we don't like the path we are on, the path doesn't just force us to take a certain road. Once we all appreciate that we are in the "driver's seat" in our own life, we can truly create a life full of choices.
Day 1:
If you've recently been struggling, if you've fallen down or feel that you've "hit a wall", are you willing to face your truths and take 100% responsibility? If the answer is yes, share with us how you wish to use these struggles as a gift for yourself and others? (2 winners took Rising Strong by Brene Brown)
If you've recently been struggling, if you've fallen down or feel that you've "hit a wall", are you willing to face your truths and take 100% responsibility? If the answer is yes, share with us how you wish to use these struggles as a gift for yourself and others? (2 winners took Rising Strong by Brene Brown)
Vanessa: Struggles, oh yes! I had a lightbulb moment just yesterday. I've spent many years afraid of others judgement for my opinion, for my choices, and I have felt so down when I felt that someone didn't like me for these reasons. A wise person told me whatever I do that someone judges me by has nothing to do with me but more with them. With this I will live my life fully in honesty and allows others to do the same. I will not judge but I will understand and accept others and their decisions/opinions. I will give the gift by sharing
Jacqueline: For me.....being real, my 'wall' is in my head! My self talk sometimes gets the best of me and I have spent a number of years working very hard and still have 'those' days. I am continuing every day to work at moving forward and 'checking in' with self. When I remember to do this it serves not only myself but those around me as well. I believe it's meant to show that the struggle is real for many people but can be overcome. #icommit#dailyaction Aimee:Love this!! I am standing up front taking 100% responsibility for all the actions I have not taken to get me to this place of comfort. I am dedicated to being stronger by building my faith up through my relationship with Jesus. I also know that confidence also comes from action. So blindly I will work and know that my confidence with build with my action. Admittting and knowing my faults feels like I have won already! Faith is where its at!! |
Some answers:
Susan: The struggles are clues to wake up and change something. Often it is about changing my perspective. For example...just realized I've been complaining more than usual about work- my challenges. Today that stops. I will act as if the change Im looking for has occurred. #stopsweatingthesmallstuff Michelle: I'm taking 100% responsibility for my in action and procrastination. There are days where I am all in for everything I do, then there are days that get the best of me. I'm starting to return to doing things that I loved oh so long ago, but forgot who I was. It's been a long journey over the last 4 years. I'm just starting to become the person I wAnt to be, but still have so much to learn. I need to get back into reading self development books for at 30 minutes a day . So as of now I will read tonight before I go to bed. Thank you tara for opening my eyes and making me re evaluate me. Meaghan: I am so ready to take 100% responsibility and face my truths! My wish would be the gift of wisdom for myself, growing and learning, and no longer putting myself down. Taking all the walls I hit as lessons, and not horrible negatives that spin me out of control. My Gift to others would be a gentle shoulder for them to cry on, one that has been there and has the strength to help them up from their fall. A shoulder filled with empathy for their journey, and the tools and suggestions to help them come out on top. Cheryl: Thank you for sharing Tara Cooper! I have been "going deep" lately too. I wouldn't call it a struggle though, more peeling the next layer off to get to my true authentic self and my path in life. How am i doing it? Well it started a year ago by attending a session with my good friend, who was able to access my unconscious mind to release past hurt, limiting beliefs and get me moving again. The next step was being trained in the technique myself and beginning to help others blow up the lies the believe about themselves (think unworthy, not good enough). I've been through sessions for timeline therapy, hypnosis, parts integration and several Quantum Change process sessions, on top of all the Isa growth I can get my hands on. The next step is becoming certified in those tecniques myself as I know that is how I am meant to help others change their own lives; not just the health and the financial, but to reveal the root of who they truly are. Tara you are an inspiration and your authenticity is a testament yo the light you are for yourself and others! |
Day 2:
If you already had your money goals met and you could live anywhere, doing anything at all, where and what would you be doing? "The key to living is giving" while feeling fulfilled in all areas. (3 winners took CD by Peta Kelly called Forever Young and Financially Free)
If you already had your money goals met and you could live anywhere, doing anything at all, where and what would you be doing? "The key to living is giving" while feeling fulfilled in all areas. (3 winners took CD by Peta Kelly called Forever Young and Financially Free)

Some Answers:
Jacqueline: This one excites me!! I would be living here, northern Ontario, were my family is, on a farm. I would enrich my family and children's lives with travel so we can learn first hand so much about helping, giving and experiencing other cultures. I personally will value when I have the time freedom to volunteer right here in my community
Doren: I would move back to my beloved Hill Country (central Texas) and rescue horses. I would rehabilitate the horses and use them as therapy horses for children and adults. It has always been my dream to help people and horses all in one.
Nadia: That's a great question Tara - I would take my family on missionary work across the globe with our home base being in Canada while earning an income through MLM and real estate investments.
Kirsten: We would be travelling north America in a trailer making a documentary about our Homeschool experiences. We would be visiting all the historical and geographical sites we possibly can visit giving our children a real life view of the things we learned about school.
The documentary will give families a look at our experiences to see if it is something they wish to do and also provide a fun way of teaching their family at home about history and geography for those who are already homeschooling.
As a family we would be active locally with habitat for humanity and abroad with Impact Malawi and any other mission work that we choose to do.
At home we are helping as many families as we can see the value of the evolved economy and assist them with reaching their goals.
Our family experiences the gift of giving everyday because of the people we have become.
I will be speaking and teaching about our food allergy journey and writing a book to go along with that. Also giving the world several other books helping them to bring magic into their everyday life.
There is so much more.
Jacqueline: This one excites me!! I would be living here, northern Ontario, were my family is, on a farm. I would enrich my family and children's lives with travel so we can learn first hand so much about helping, giving and experiencing other cultures. I personally will value when I have the time freedom to volunteer right here in my community
Doren: I would move back to my beloved Hill Country (central Texas) and rescue horses. I would rehabilitate the horses and use them as therapy horses for children and adults. It has always been my dream to help people and horses all in one.
Nadia: That's a great question Tara - I would take my family on missionary work across the globe with our home base being in Canada while earning an income through MLM and real estate investments.
Kirsten: We would be travelling north America in a trailer making a documentary about our Homeschool experiences. We would be visiting all the historical and geographical sites we possibly can visit giving our children a real life view of the things we learned about school.
The documentary will give families a look at our experiences to see if it is something they wish to do and also provide a fun way of teaching their family at home about history and geography for those who are already homeschooling.
As a family we would be active locally with habitat for humanity and abroad with Impact Malawi and any other mission work that we choose to do.
At home we are helping as many families as we can see the value of the evolved economy and assist them with reaching their goals.
Our family experiences the gift of giving everyday because of the people we have become.
I will be speaking and teaching about our food allergy journey and writing a book to go along with that. Also giving the world several other books helping them to bring magic into their everyday life.
There is so much more.
Day 3 & day 4:
by Rod E Hairston
This book helps explain why we do the things we do, and how we can consciously take action steps to change the subconscious habits we have to create lasting change. I personally believe in this book as a launch pad for anyone ready to make changes, BIG changes. For anyone who has heard of the 45 day challenge or Healthy Mind and Body, you will find this a very helpful companion, but can be used successfully without being enrolled in the program also.
If you could recognize ONE habit that is holding you back from reaching your best life, what would IT be? And how would your life change for the best if you could "re-program" your unconsicous mind. (6 winners received a copy of Rod's book)
by Rod E Hairston
This book helps explain why we do the things we do, and how we can consciously take action steps to change the subconscious habits we have to create lasting change. I personally believe in this book as a launch pad for anyone ready to make changes, BIG changes. For anyone who has heard of the 45 day challenge or Healthy Mind and Body, you will find this a very helpful companion, but can be used successfully without being enrolled in the program also.
If you could recognize ONE habit that is holding you back from reaching your best life, what would IT be? And how would your life change for the best if you could "re-program" your unconsicous mind. (6 winners received a copy of Rod's book)
Some Answers:
Amanda: The one habit that holds me back is negative self talk, I often put myself down. I used to think I did it as a way to just be honest about my faults with others. Since starting Isagenix and being around people who are genuine and positive I have noticed that my negative self talk is very damaging. I believe that my life would change a lot if I could reprogram my mind. I would be a much stronger person not just for myself but for my family, I would have such a confidence in myself. I would believe in me! Louis: My ONE major obstacle HABIT: My resistance to commit 100% to one important goal at a time; instead, I create an exit strategy by holding on to other shiny objects. My life will change for the best when I make the decision to be ALL IN without looking in the rearview mirror. Then, I will earn the income I say I want, have an enriching intimate relationship that I say I want, and truly be the leader that people deserve to emulate. Then, I will step into a new level of contribution that inspires others to grow. Trina: Not going all in(getting out of my comfort zone) out of fear that I won't be successful. I know what's out there for me...really attaining my goals would bring me out of my JOB and home with my kids - I don't want to miss any more of their precious lives! Melissa: One habit holding me back is the fear of not knowing it all, and getting tongue tied when people confront me on products, or compensation. I often feel like I don't know how to handle the negative so I just give up and walk away |
Allyson: listening to my ego instead of my spirit is one habit holding me back. If I could release my ego's negative self talk I believe I would be able to contribute more, serve more, be more grateful and ultimately help others more.
Sarah: Always thinking that I need to be the expert and that I HAVE to do things for them to be done "right"! Denette: Mine would be my lack of belief in myself... It's a constant battle in my head. Kirsten: Letting go of control over my life completely and allowing myself to live fully in the flow all of the time. I believe letting go of a sense of self importance and a need to be liked, to fit in somewhere and a fear of what people's responses to me are would put me in a better place. Working on these now and allowing the things I need to come into my life that will serve me on this learning mission. |

Day 5:
Hands Free Life
The book is called Hands Free Life #handsfreelife and it has been a tool in helping me be more present (which I will admit has come with some major challenges as I was a person who was plugged in 24/7 it felt like).
If you could eliminate distractions, become more present and in the moment everyday of your life from now on, how would you feel and how would your loved ones feel? Describe a day where you had zero distractions and you remained present (in the moment) the entire day. Yes, there are 2 parts and with more "deep thinking" and taking time to write a response, not only do you change your "brain connections" with this concept, but you begin to grow at a new level too! (7 winners received an author signed copy of this wonderful book)
Some Answers:
Sheena: This is a big one for me. I struggle to remain present around my family; social media is a huge distraction for me. I also notice that the worse I'm feeling, the more stressed out and frustrated or sad, the more I fold into myself and my device effectively shutting myself off from those around me. Not a nice feeling, so then the guilt sets in and I get more depressed. If I could reverse this behavior, I think I'd be so much happier in the moment, as my family would be. Especially the kids, they tend to act out more when I'm not fully present, understandably so.
I notice on good days, it's easy to put it down and engage my kids and my husband. When we're at the cottage in the summer we have no internet or cell service so we're completely unplugged! It's so freeing. All day I'm 100% focused on the kids, and occasionally immersed in a good book. But for some reason, as soon as we're back in service areas out it comes.
I wish I had the ability and self control to take those breaks even when and where service exists. I've heard you speak about this book before, it must be really great
Michelle: hmmm...this is a big one for me. I would feel more relaxed and my family would feel heard, felt and loved at an deeper level. They would feel important and so would I!. It reminds me that we can not multi-task and be effective. It is about focusing on one thing at a time!
Michelle: This is something that I have been struggling with. I believe that staying in the present moment would dramatically reduce stress, increase my happiness, and give me bursts of insight that will ultimately change my life and that of my family's. I have experienced what it's like to be present and I know how great it feels and how grateful my family is but I go through these times where I just get lose sight and spend too much time on Facebook or playing stupid games on my iPad (the games mostly happens when my kids are in bed, when I should be engaged with my husband or take some time to work on my business. I currently am not present at home, and because of that I feel a lot of guilt and anxiety.
I am often in the present at our trailer. We go hiking, swimming, we read, play, all kinds of amazing things together. on these days I'm more aware of my thoughts and life feels amazing. I also feel like I know everything will work out. On the days I'm not present, I feel like everything is wrong.
Hands Free Life
The book is called Hands Free Life #handsfreelife and it has been a tool in helping me be more present (which I will admit has come with some major challenges as I was a person who was plugged in 24/7 it felt like).
If you could eliminate distractions, become more present and in the moment everyday of your life from now on, how would you feel and how would your loved ones feel? Describe a day where you had zero distractions and you remained present (in the moment) the entire day. Yes, there are 2 parts and with more "deep thinking" and taking time to write a response, not only do you change your "brain connections" with this concept, but you begin to grow at a new level too! (7 winners received an author signed copy of this wonderful book)
Some Answers:
Sheena: This is a big one for me. I struggle to remain present around my family; social media is a huge distraction for me. I also notice that the worse I'm feeling, the more stressed out and frustrated or sad, the more I fold into myself and my device effectively shutting myself off from those around me. Not a nice feeling, so then the guilt sets in and I get more depressed. If I could reverse this behavior, I think I'd be so much happier in the moment, as my family would be. Especially the kids, they tend to act out more when I'm not fully present, understandably so.
I notice on good days, it's easy to put it down and engage my kids and my husband. When we're at the cottage in the summer we have no internet or cell service so we're completely unplugged! It's so freeing. All day I'm 100% focused on the kids, and occasionally immersed in a good book. But for some reason, as soon as we're back in service areas out it comes.
I wish I had the ability and self control to take those breaks even when and where service exists. I've heard you speak about this book before, it must be really great
Michelle: hmmm...this is a big one for me. I would feel more relaxed and my family would feel heard, felt and loved at an deeper level. They would feel important and so would I!. It reminds me that we can not multi-task and be effective. It is about focusing on one thing at a time!
Michelle: This is something that I have been struggling with. I believe that staying in the present moment would dramatically reduce stress, increase my happiness, and give me bursts of insight that will ultimately change my life and that of my family's. I have experienced what it's like to be present and I know how great it feels and how grateful my family is but I go through these times where I just get lose sight and spend too much time on Facebook or playing stupid games on my iPad (the games mostly happens when my kids are in bed, when I should be engaged with my husband or take some time to work on my business. I currently am not present at home, and because of that I feel a lot of guilt and anxiety.
I am often in the present at our trailer. We go hiking, swimming, we read, play, all kinds of amazing things together. on these days I'm more aware of my thoughts and life feels amazing. I also feel like I know everything will work out. On the days I'm not present, I feel like everything is wrong.
Day 6:
Our next generation of leaders are our children. I believe that this book is an introduction to what a healthy sense-of-self means for children. Together we are either building up new leaders or knocking down. I bought multiple copies of this book because I believe in the message so much. Thank you Sawyer Bateman for your creativity and for helping us create leaders everywhere (no matter our age).
Two parts: First of all, remove your filter and speak from your heart.
Part 1: If you could tell your younger self (the inner child in you) something empowering that you know to be true but you haven't yet trusted that message to be said by your own lips, what would that be?
Part 2: commit to telling a child in your life this truth within the next 24 hours. (6 winners received a copy of Sawyer's book called The Journey.)
Some answers:
Shannon: You don't have to change who you are... You are enough
Sheri: I would tell my younger self "you can do and be whatever you want to, just believe and never stop trying, never stop dreaming and believing in yourself. There may be road blocks along the way but have confidence that you can do it"
Rebecca: Not to worry about the little things (laundry, dusting, cleaning). Live in the moment and slow down to be able to appreciate the journey. Don't worry about being a perfectionist.
Susan: I would tell me younger self that "This hard moment, these hard moments, are merely dots in the timeline of life." And "You can create any life you want...just do it and see." I will restate the latter one with my eldest tonight. I'll save the first tidbit of advice for later in life when it is truly needed.
Terra: I would tell my younger self to follow your heart no matter what, strive everyday for greatness and don't let anyone make you feel like you can't. Life is far to short to have regrets or wonder what if. Everything happens for a reason and people come in out and sometimes back into your life for a reason you just have to find out what that reason is. Don't waste a second chance. Wow so many things.
Our next generation of leaders are our children. I believe that this book is an introduction to what a healthy sense-of-self means for children. Together we are either building up new leaders or knocking down. I bought multiple copies of this book because I believe in the message so much. Thank you Sawyer Bateman for your creativity and for helping us create leaders everywhere (no matter our age).
Two parts: First of all, remove your filter and speak from your heart.
Part 1: If you could tell your younger self (the inner child in you) something empowering that you know to be true but you haven't yet trusted that message to be said by your own lips, what would that be?
Part 2: commit to telling a child in your life this truth within the next 24 hours. (6 winners received a copy of Sawyer's book called The Journey.)
Some answers:
Shannon: You don't have to change who you are... You are enough
Sheri: I would tell my younger self "you can do and be whatever you want to, just believe and never stop trying, never stop dreaming and believing in yourself. There may be road blocks along the way but have confidence that you can do it"
Rebecca: Not to worry about the little things (laundry, dusting, cleaning). Live in the moment and slow down to be able to appreciate the journey. Don't worry about being a perfectionist.
Susan: I would tell me younger self that "This hard moment, these hard moments, are merely dots in the timeline of life." And "You can create any life you want...just do it and see." I will restate the latter one with my eldest tonight. I'll save the first tidbit of advice for later in life when it is truly needed.
Terra: I would tell my younger self to follow your heart no matter what, strive everyday for greatness and don't let anyone make you feel like you can't. Life is far to short to have regrets or wonder what if. Everything happens for a reason and people come in out and sometimes back into your life for a reason you just have to find out what that reason is. Don't waste a second chance. Wow so many things.

Day 7
This book has probably been the most impactful in my life when I was in a place of being very skeptical about what was appearing to be a knock on the head, even though logically I was very unsure about going down the road of network marketing.
Within a week of reading this, my entire life changed and it was for the better, as this book provided facts and those facts improved our lives because I took the action necessary to create freedom.
What is holding you back from finding your freedom day? Is there a bit of trust lacking about a business model you know may set you free but you are still very skeptical or think it is "dirty" like I did?
Some answers:
Kirsten: for me I don't feel there is any one 'thing' that is holding me back simply allowing myself to go through the growth journey. Each step that I take draws me to a new reality and realization of what I must do in order to reach that goal. The goal itself is laid out clearly as far as I know, I have set the intention with the universe, and now it is simply me becoming more and more aware of myself and my actions and how I can be better in order to reach that goal.
Noelle: There are a few things holding me back right now. I def have a belief that network marketing is the most amazing model for creating financial freedom and feel as though this profession was created for me!! Sooooo what's the problem? A belief in myself that maybe I will be successful, that I will have to then give up time with my family to run a wildly successful business, that I won't succeed after all and therefore if I don't try really hard, then that was always the reason it didn't work! So much to work through yet.
Shann: The only thing holding me back from the freedom I desire is lack of consistency, and somedays motivation. I've allowed some distractions, good and bad and I have taken some down time here ant there. I have full belief in this business model, and actually, you gave me this book months ago Tara and I greatly appreciated it as it is what opened my eyes to where I have been and where I want to go in business, and financially. It is a great book! Thank you again for that!
This book has probably been the most impactful in my life when I was in a place of being very skeptical about what was appearing to be a knock on the head, even though logically I was very unsure about going down the road of network marketing.
Within a week of reading this, my entire life changed and it was for the better, as this book provided facts and those facts improved our lives because I took the action necessary to create freedom.
What is holding you back from finding your freedom day? Is there a bit of trust lacking about a business model you know may set you free but you are still very skeptical or think it is "dirty" like I did?
Some answers:
Kirsten: for me I don't feel there is any one 'thing' that is holding me back simply allowing myself to go through the growth journey. Each step that I take draws me to a new reality and realization of what I must do in order to reach that goal. The goal itself is laid out clearly as far as I know, I have set the intention with the universe, and now it is simply me becoming more and more aware of myself and my actions and how I can be better in order to reach that goal.
Noelle: There are a few things holding me back right now. I def have a belief that network marketing is the most amazing model for creating financial freedom and feel as though this profession was created for me!! Sooooo what's the problem? A belief in myself that maybe I will be successful, that I will have to then give up time with my family to run a wildly successful business, that I won't succeed after all and therefore if I don't try really hard, then that was always the reason it didn't work! So much to work through yet.
Shann: The only thing holding me back from the freedom I desire is lack of consistency, and somedays motivation. I've allowed some distractions, good and bad and I have taken some down time here ant there. I have full belief in this business model, and actually, you gave me this book months ago Tara and I greatly appreciated it as it is what opened my eyes to where I have been and where I want to go in business, and financially. It is a great book! Thank you again for that!