Your health matters

Our health is our own responsibility. We cannot go through life assuming that when we "eat well", exercise and do all the "right things" that we will always be healthy...stress can certainly bring on all sorts of things that if not taken seriously can bring on a whole new sort of issues.
Some of you who are reading this, have followed my journey the past couple of years. I would say I have been pretty good with my eating habits (could improve upon my daily exercise) and I have enjoyed building a successful home business while raising my children. However what caught up with me, was how little I was doing to keep any sort of balance in my life (many of us can relate to this). What happens for many of us is that we try to "keep up" with everything and can burn ourselves out very easily. When I started to feel angry all the time, that I wanted to avoid all social situations and I couldn't get out of bed, I knew something was not right.
I found out I was in stage 3 adrenal exhaustion (fatigue). I also found out that my thyroid wasn't working well (which some would say was because of the adrenal issues and stress)...sometimes we just don't know which comes first - the chicken or the egg.
I began to work closely with a naturopath because I found out that they can do much more in depth testing and natural treatments to get to the "root" of the issue rather than only doing medical things that help the symptoms go away. I don't know about you, but getting rid of the "bad root" is much better than letting that root continue to live, as we just cover it up with medicine.
Now after many months of working in a natural way, I did get to a very desperate point in time when I had to go the medical route for my thyroid and I got on medication. I believe in natural as much as possible but do respect that medical intervention is there for a very good reason.
Fast forward to today...I had more tests done and found out many more parts of the puzzle. Again with a naturopath, testing in many ways is very possible - it might be an expensive way to go, but in my humble opinion, spending money on ourselves for health/wellness is priceless.
I recently found out about some food sensitivities - some I was surprised by and I also found out something that was worth the price of the test. I am estrogen dominant and metabolizing estrogen into the "bad kind"...the kind that can mutate and cause our common cancers for women.
So with the recommendations I was given by my naturopath, I had a gut feeling that a 2nd opinion was important. (if you ever get that gut feeling - act on it, don't just put it aside).
Some of you who are reading this, have followed my journey the past couple of years. I would say I have been pretty good with my eating habits (could improve upon my daily exercise) and I have enjoyed building a successful home business while raising my children. However what caught up with me, was how little I was doing to keep any sort of balance in my life (many of us can relate to this). What happens for many of us is that we try to "keep up" with everything and can burn ourselves out very easily. When I started to feel angry all the time, that I wanted to avoid all social situations and I couldn't get out of bed, I knew something was not right.
I found out I was in stage 3 adrenal exhaustion (fatigue). I also found out that my thyroid wasn't working well (which some would say was because of the adrenal issues and stress)...sometimes we just don't know which comes first - the chicken or the egg.
I began to work closely with a naturopath because I found out that they can do much more in depth testing and natural treatments to get to the "root" of the issue rather than only doing medical things that help the symptoms go away. I don't know about you, but getting rid of the "bad root" is much better than letting that root continue to live, as we just cover it up with medicine.
Now after many months of working in a natural way, I did get to a very desperate point in time when I had to go the medical route for my thyroid and I got on medication. I believe in natural as much as possible but do respect that medical intervention is there for a very good reason.
Fast forward to today...I had more tests done and found out many more parts of the puzzle. Again with a naturopath, testing in many ways is very possible - it might be an expensive way to go, but in my humble opinion, spending money on ourselves for health/wellness is priceless.
I recently found out about some food sensitivities - some I was surprised by and I also found out something that was worth the price of the test. I am estrogen dominant and metabolizing estrogen into the "bad kind"...the kind that can mutate and cause our common cancers for women.
So with the recommendations I was given by my naturopath, I had a gut feeling that a 2nd opinion was important. (if you ever get that gut feeling - act on it, don't just put it aside).
if you ever get that gut feeling - act on it, don't just put it aside
Yesterday I had a 2nd opinion...and as much as some of the info was the same from the other practitioner, there was more to the puzzle that wasn't mentioned and I am now about to begin some additional natural therapies to help me heal even more (and hopefully faster).
Interestingly both practitioners are impressed with the many great things I've been doing for so many years, however - that alone isn't enough when we get to a point in our life when we have "other health things" going on.
As I learn more about how to prevent and eliminate estrogen dominance, I realize now how stress affects so much. BUT there are many, many other ways we can help ourselves...but it takes effort and dedication. Eating well and exercising daily isn't enough...what are you doing to reduce stress? What are you doing to reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxins, hormones, chemicals and antibiotics in your food and water? What are you doing to support your liver - that for most of us is working SO HARD and can barely keep up? Did you know that air fresheners and wax candles/warmers are extremely harmful to your health?
Do you know how your health is supporting you or if it is slowly making you more sick?
It is so easy to trust everything we hear from doctors, professionals, from our friends and family...of course we want to trust everything we hear, many of us just don't have the time to really understand what is best for us and our families to live the most healthy life.
All I can say is I am far from perfect, I don't pretend to be. I can't live life in a bubble and I do still feel that moderation is ok - who doesn't love to drink some wine, eat some foods that are not deemed healthy at times? We are human. WE certainly can't do everything by the least, I know I can't. But I do know that 80-90% of the time I can do much better than I've been doing. It all starts with how serious we are about truly living the best life we can for our family and for ourselves. Yes we do need to take care of ourselves in order to be able to impact anyone else!
I hope that you will take an active role in your health and wellbeing...get educated, get specific about YOU. What works for one, doesn't always work for another and now that I've had so many different tests done, I am learning how as humans we are all very different and we all need very specific plans to help us live optimally. It isn't a one size fits all as we may have thought.
Interestingly both practitioners are impressed with the many great things I've been doing for so many years, however - that alone isn't enough when we get to a point in our life when we have "other health things" going on.
As I learn more about how to prevent and eliminate estrogen dominance, I realize now how stress affects so much. BUT there are many, many other ways we can help ourselves...but it takes effort and dedication. Eating well and exercising daily isn't enough...what are you doing to reduce stress? What are you doing to reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxins, hormones, chemicals and antibiotics in your food and water? What are you doing to support your liver - that for most of us is working SO HARD and can barely keep up? Did you know that air fresheners and wax candles/warmers are extremely harmful to your health?
Do you know how your health is supporting you or if it is slowly making you more sick?
It is so easy to trust everything we hear from doctors, professionals, from our friends and family...of course we want to trust everything we hear, many of us just don't have the time to really understand what is best for us and our families to live the most healthy life.
All I can say is I am far from perfect, I don't pretend to be. I can't live life in a bubble and I do still feel that moderation is ok - who doesn't love to drink some wine, eat some foods that are not deemed healthy at times? We are human. WE certainly can't do everything by the least, I know I can't. But I do know that 80-90% of the time I can do much better than I've been doing. It all starts with how serious we are about truly living the best life we can for our family and for ourselves. Yes we do need to take care of ourselves in order to be able to impact anyone else!
I hope that you will take an active role in your health and wellbeing...get educated, get specific about YOU. What works for one, doesn't always work for another and now that I've had so many different tests done, I am learning how as humans we are all very different and we all need very specific plans to help us live optimally. It isn't a one size fits all as we may have thought.