Dear Tara,
Today is January 3rd, 2017...yes a whole year has come and gone. It went fast didn’t it? Great thing about this past 12 months is that you continued to grow in leaps and bounds. You continue to value personal growth, quality family time and contributing to a bigger cause. The cool thing about these values are that they all help you create a balanced life (personal and business)...and with ease you are creating the balance you’ve been hoping for the past few years. You’ve found the “sweet spot”...how great does that feel? Next job for you is to articulate it into words to help others find the same sweet spot for a balanced life too! This is not a secret to keep to yourself.
You began to take much better care of yourself than you ever have in the past. You learned your lesson the very hard way in 2015, that when we take our health for granted and we burn ourselves out, nothing else matters but getting back to health. So 2016 was so much better because not only did you take great care of yourself you were able to help more people to do the same. Interesting isn’t it? When we put on our own oxygen mask on first (not selfish as you once thought), we can help even more people than we could before. Honouring your needs, your space and your desires to simply “be”, has become not only a habit, but has become who you are!
Areas that you have seen transformation in your life in 2016 are:
- You successfully took the 20 pounds off that you’ve been struggling to get off for over a year - good job at following your healthy nutrition plan and way to go - you really learned how to make healthier meals for your family (not just somedays, but everyday). Lifewatchers was a great course for you.
- You succeeded in getting your hormones/adrenals back into balance - you feel alive again and you’ve helped others take it serious and to do the same
- You succeeded in getting a fitness routine underway between yoga (something you’d never tried before this year) and weight/strength training. Together these exercises are helping you in more ways than just your body composition (if you know what I mean!) ;)
- Because of your new fitness habits you were able to become as flexible as you were when you were in gymnastics, you are lean and strong and you feel great. I told you it would be worth it!
- You are present with your children, you take time for yourself and you are present in the moment without worrying about the future and without getting stuck in the past. This is like a “breath of fresh air” ah....sink into that one!
- You have really turned a corner this year as you’ve begun to trust yourself (no more second-guessing), you’ve stopped looking for permission or approval from others and you no longer try to be someone you are not. You are you without apology. Fear of judgement? What is that anyway? No longer feeling judged and no longer judge another. Super sweet!
- You have continued inspiring others to step into their leadership/potential and you’ve begun focusing on helping youth find their voice also. This journey to helping children create a “healthy sense of self” is a beautiful thing and you’ve barely scratched the surface of what is about to take shape in that area.
- Writing a book hasn’t happened yet, but you have enough knowledge and wisdom to share you’ve continued to write blogs and the next step is a book or two by 2018. The question is, will it be a children’s book or will it be a hardcover book for adults? Only you will know...your heart will find that answer.
- You’ve managed to turn your business around. After the 2016 Canadian Event in Vancouver, something “switched on” for you. You had a realization about something you haven’t done yet in the 6 years in business and THIS event changed EVERYTHING! I bet you are so happy that you made the commitment to attend that event even though you were not 100% you would go when you heard about it.
- Your partnership with Robbins Madanes Training has proven to be the right move - again this was a decision you were uncertain about in 2015 because you choose to close another door you had opened. It is ok to feel uncertain about some decisions but you’ve proved again that following your heart - you find the answers you are seeking.
- #supercharged - that word alone says so much. You are seeing results because you dared to join a group of other conscious leaders with the same vision as you. You all have a desire to impact the world, to create conscious leaders, to help people find their potential. You are a Supercharged chick...whoa, Supercharging everyone you meet, that energy passing between others is magnetic - quite literally. Again - you sure made another great decision based on your heart! Booyah!
- Look at your children, they have grown up even more and you’ve continued to see them reach new goals and dreams they’ve had also. What a gift. They have continued to enjoy being kids, yet, they are inspiring other children to self-advocate, to be helpful to others and to love and respect themselves and others. No longer do you see them being “manipulated” by friends.
- A vacation, yes....wasn’t that a WONDERFUL vacation? You were uncertain that a family vacation was going to happen in 2016, but all that hard work and dedication sure pays off. Taking the action that you have, focusing on your health and your business the way that you did...you were able to make it happen as you dreamed it would. Can you believe how surprised the kids were? Their faces said it all...seeing them so excited was such a gift and one that makes it apparent that family vacations are the best memories of all - because all 5 of you are together and present with absolutely NO distractions of any kind. Guess what, you will create many more moments like that for the months and years to come. Isn’t that exciting?
- Yes, you had moments of MAJOR growth again this year...remember the challenging times are there to help you grow. This year you didn’t get so hung up on these moments, they didn’t affect you like before - because you’ve gained the wisdom to know that this is part of the journey. You continue to trust yourself more than you ever have before and these moments of trust, lead you to the best decision always - even if others don’t “get it’ that is ok.